5 Green Actions that Make a Difference

You've heard that individual actions are a drop in the bucket for the environmental crisis, including climate change. So how can you take your eco advocacy to the next level? Here are a 5 ways you can get involved in collective change in as little as 5 minutes:

1. Call or Write your Representative: Don't worry about getting tongue-tied: The Citizens' Climate Lobby has helpful scripts and templates you can use. And yes, a 3 minute phone call really *does* make a difference. Sign up here: cclusa.org/call

2. Donate to Environmental Causes: Pick an environmental organization that's close to your heart and let your wallet do the rest. We recommend giving to grassroots, local nonprofits so you can see and feel their impact firsthand. Some of our favorites in Puerto Rico:

👣 Casa Pueblo, proyecto de autogestión comunitaria (https://casapueblo.org/)
👣 Organización Boricuá de Agricultura Ecológica (http://organizacionboricua.blogspot.com)
👣 Guaikiá Colectivo Agroecológico (https://www.facebook.com/guakiapr/)
3. Sign up to Volunteer: Are you a great writer? Take amazing pictures? Good with numbers? Money isn't the only way to contribute to grassroots environmental projects - chances are, they need your talents! Reach out to one of the above organizations or your favorite to see if they could use a few hours of your time.

4. Advocate in your Business: Think of how your place of work might be more environmentally-friendly, and how you can use your position to help. Can your packaging involve less (or no) plastic? Could you organize a volunteer day? Offer to do the legwork and find like-minded sustainability champions to get it done.

5. Make Some Noise: If there was ever a cause to strike for, it's catastrophic climate change and related environmental crises. Seriously, this is the fight for our lives. So let's shake off the pereza/meh together and let our voices be heard! Find a local strike on https://fridaysforfutureusa.org/local-groups/